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Vision: A leading airline in the world

Vision: A leading airline in the world

We want to be a company that is highly competitive in terms of safe operations, service capabilities and brand awareness.

Our ambitious, explicit goal is to become “a leading airline in the world”. It is a perfect reflection of the “Phoenix Spirit”, of the future we have mapped out based on the competition, the environments we are in and the resources we possess. It is what motivates us to work hard.

Safe operations: It means that everyone must be fully aware of the importance of safe operations, a viable safety management system has been established, the responsibilities with respect to safety are pinpointed, a well-trained safety management team is in place, a safety record is improved on a continuous basis, our route network is extensive and convenient, and our flights are operated smoothly and efficiently.

Service capabilities: It means that we must offer a wide range of products designed to meet customer needs, we are highly recognized by the market and create value for customers, our procedures are well conceived to be customer-friendly, we offer pleasant experiences for customers, our service standards are consistent across our entire system, our employees deliver honest, credible and professional services, and our resources are used in the best way to help customers.

Brand awareness: It means that we will make Air China a brand which is well known around the world for its quality products and services, highly respected and trustworthy in the industry, and paradigmatic of Chinese style and identity.