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Mission: Putting safety at the forefront, Delivering 4C-based services, Achieving steady growth, Helping our employees pursue a successful career, Fulfilling our responsibilities

Mission: Putting safety at the forefront, Delivering 4C-based services, Achieving steady growth, Helping our employees pursue a successful career, Fulfilling our responsibilities

Putting safety at the forefront: Safety is the bedrock of our business and is our fundamental responsibility.

Safety is the bedrock of everything we do and takes precedence over anything else. Without safety, all of our services and operations would amount to nothing. Our relentless commitment to safety reflects our respect for life and our deep understanding of our responsibilities and mission.

Safety lies at the core of everything we do. In the past six decades, we have laid a solid groundwork for safe operations. Our safety record has been widely recognized by the public and has become an important reason customers choose Air China and the key advantage of our brand.

“Putting safety at the forefront” reminds us that safety represents a belief that must be deeply embedded in our entire being, and also represents a rigorous and relentless approach to our entire process of development. “Putting safety at the forefront” is about guaranteeing safety in the air and on the ground through a sound safety management system, safe flight operations, systematic training and a highly professional crew team.


Delivering 4C-based services:  4C is a recap of our service philosophy that contains four elements: Credibility, Convenience, Comfort and Choice. It is a microcosm of our responsibilities to customers.

Offering all-round quality services and pleasant experiences is the goal of our service delivery.

Each of the four elements of 4C is like a separate project. Specifically, the Project of Credibility revolves around safety; the Project of Convenience revolves around on-time departure and arrival of flights and a convenient service process; the Project of Comfort revolves around our willingness to make customers feel at ease, and, last but not the least, the Project of Choice revolves around our endeavor to meet customers’ individualized needs.


Steady development: Formulating leadership strategies, moving forward steadily, utilizing multi-branding synergies, achieving operational excellence and striving for healthy and sustainable development is Air China’s responsibility to the stakeholders.

We must adopt a scientific, rational, strategic, holistic , systematic and step-by-step approach to our growth.

To achieve steady development, we must lay a solid foundation for our business, establish a mechanism that supports our growth, implant into our system the concept of sustainable development, continuously improve our operational capabilities and make our business more competitive; we must make investments and allocate our resources in a rational and optimal way, instead of seeking business expansion blindly, because what counts is not just size; we must have a big picture of our business, grow together with other carriers within the Air China system, and, in that process, adopt a correct approach to the relationships between the present and the future, between internal affairs and external affairs, between domestic stakeholders and international stakeholders, and between our business and our employees; we strive for leadership in the industry, outstanding financial performance, innovation in our business model and improvement in our ability to make profits so that our shareholders can get return on their investments, customers’ needs are meet, our employees have a workplace where they are happy to work, and communities can benefit.

Helping employees pursue a successful career: Giving our people opportunities to realize their worth and grow with our business is Air China’s responsibility towards its employees.

People are the fundamental driver of sustained development of our business. The company and employees can help each other grow and move forward.

We respect what our employees have been doing to help our business. We must have a mechanism that gets our employees involved in management and supervision of our business. We must take good care of our employees by protecting their rights and interests and build harmonious management-labor relationships. We motivate our employees with a competitive salary and benefits package and equal opportunities for career development so that our employees can benefit from the growth of our business and be proud of what they are doing.


Fulfilling Responsibilities: We fulfill our political, economic and social responsibilities to serve the country and the society.

As a company that the government has a majority stake in and the only national flag carrier of the country, we have our unshakable responsibilities to contribute to the development of the country and society.

We must ensure that our business activities are in compliance with laws and are honest so that all stakeholders can grow together with us and Air China can become a respected and highly recognized corporate citizen. To protect our environment, support green flight and reduce carbon emissions, we must implant new concepts into our system, draw upon the latest technologies and establish a new mechanism. We are ready to help those in need by offering volunteer services and making donations to public interest exercises, contributing to social progress. We are ready to leap into action and provide transportation services in difficult situations when the country requires us to do so.