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Values: People orientation, Assumption of responsibility, Resolve to get ahead, Loving to fly

Values: People orientation, Assumption of responsibility, Resolve to get ahead, Loving to fly

People orientation: Employee orientation and customer orientation is the guideline on how we deal with people.

Our business boils down to services. It is our employees that ultimately deliver services and it is our customers that we serve. Only when we serve well our employees can we expect them to serve well our customers; only when our employees are happy can our employees make customers happy.

“People orientation” is all about relying on our employees, respecting our employees, and helping our employees build a successful career; it is also about developing a deeper understanding of customer needs, improving customer experiences and winning customers’ recognition. So, “People orientation” tells us that we must serve both our employees and customers and make them both satisfied.


Assumption of responsibility: We are ready, willing and able to assume responsibilities.

Air China is a company that has driving ambitions, a strong sense of responsibility and a strong sense of mission.

“Assumption of responsibility” requires us to be ready to assume responsibilities, cultivating the corporate ethos that encourages everyone to assume responsibilities; it requires us to make our business increasingly successful, establishing a mechanism that is the cornerstone of our will to assume responsibilities and makes it possible for us to do so; it requires us to have the capability to assume responsibilities and come up with innovative and varied ways to do so.

As a service company, “Assumption of responsibility” stresses teamwork and the readiness, willingness and ability to assume responsibilities to each other, without letting problems go unsolved and shirking and ducking responsibilities. Executives assume responsibilities for employees, the management for grassroots, and employees for customers, working together for the common goal of the company. We should cultivate a service ethos from the top to the bottom that motivates everyone to move forward towards service excellence.


Resolve to get ahead: Innovation gives us renewed vigor; we will never rest on laurels; we will lead the pack.

Air China is an ambitious, enterprising company eager to continuously move forward.

We have the resolve to get ahead. We love what we do. We work hard for a successful business and a successful career.

We encourage innovation. We don’t baulk at setbacks. We keep on improving our ability to innovate. We should have a mechanism that goes a way towards innovation.

We keep on reminding ourselves that we should never rest on our laurels and that we can always do better. We don’t slacken off when everything’s coming up roses, and keep on working hard when confronted with difficulties in pursuit of excellence.


Loving to fly: We provide seamless services that are considerate and cheerful, allowing our passengers to truly experience the pleasure of flying.

Flying is one of the key parts of our business. In our seamless service process, we work hard with enthusiasm and make our company a workplace where our employees love to work.

We should create a highly efficient, seamless service process from ground to air, an easy atmosphere that facilitates teamwork and sharing and helps cultivate an uplifting attitude towards our business and our life.

“Loving to fly” represents an attitude that encourages our employees to anticipate and meet customer expectations, serve customers better, improve customer experiences and make both customers and employees happy.