Home > About Us > Air China Awards And Prizes > Air China Philosophy
Brand Positioning: A professional, trusted airline with world-class standards and a unique Chinese flair.

Brand Positioning: A professional, trusted airline with world-class standards and a unique Chinese flair.

Professional and trusted: We want to be an outstanding expert in the field of air transport. We want to be a trusted leader in the industry.                    

We have the ambition to become a large carrier with an extensive network and international competitive edge and the first choice for customers.

We must work hard and keep our feet on the ground. We must base our business on devotion, commitment to excellence, professionalism and standardized procedures. Our goal is to become an industry benchmark, projecting an image of being trustworthy and professional.


World-class standards: We want to be an airline well known and highly respected around the world.                    

We have the driving ambition to be one of the best, leading airlines in the world.

We must constantly expand our horizons and have global visions. We want to be a role model for operations, route network and products and services that are up to international standards, standing out in a crowd.


Chinese flair: We want to be an airline that is a showcase of Chinese culture and Chinas modern dynamism.                    

As China’s national flag carrier, Air China is closely associated with the image of the country it represents. We have the responsibility to demonstrate the charms of China and become an airline with unique Chinese identity, taking passengers onto a journey to discover the beauty of China.

Chinese flair is about carrying on the good values intrinsic in the traditional culture of the “Land of Hospitality”. We should publicize Chinese culture with our warm, sincere, friendly and attentive services, because Air China is an airline that can truly represent the country.